Feliway Spray


Feliway Spray helps to nurture your relationship with your cat / kitten and prevent issues like scratching and spraying.  Simply shake the bottle and spray in doorways, cat-flaps, window sills and other significant objects around your home.  Spray Feliway into the pet carrier to help comfort your cat on car journeys, or trips to the vet.

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Feliway is one of the key brands of the global animal health and welfare company, Ceva Sante Animale.

Feliway is a chemical copy of one of the feline facial pheromones (F3) used by cats to mark their territorial boundaries. A cat rubbing its face on its environment releases this pheromone.  This behaviour is performed everyday by all cats domestic, or wild, and provides them with reassurance.  Within a new environment, a cat will also mark, to make this place familiar and safe.  Cats also mark their territory with scratching and urine marking.  When these behaviours occur inside the home, they usually indicate a cat feels stressed.

Feliway Spray helps to nurture your relationship with your cat / kitten and prevent issues like scratching and spraying.  Simply shake the bottle and spray in doorways, cat-flaps, window sills and other significant objects around your home.  Scientific studies have shown that by using Feliway your cat will spend more time in the home.

Spray Feliway into the pet carrier to help comfort your cat on car journeys, or trips to the vet.