
Enviro Wizard Descaler

From $14.64

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Enviro Wizard Descaler is non-caustic, industrial strength and is designed to remove calcium, limescale and rust.


Enzyme Wizard is manufactured in Australia and is an Australian owned company. Enzyme Wizard produces a range of natural, plant-based enzyme cleaning products for the home, commercial and hospitality markets. Their products are not just environmentally friendly, they outperform chemical cleaners.

Enviro Wizard Descaler is a non-caustic, industrial strength descaler.  The proprietary surfactant formula naturally lifts calcium, lime and rust from all surfaces without giving off harsh fumes.  Calcium, lime and rust build up lifts off the surface once the surfactant has penetrated.  The longer the dwell time, the easier it is to remove the deposits.

Concentrated: Ready to use.

Safety: contains a moderately natural alkaline surfactant.  Non-caustic, non-petrolium based solvents, non-flammable, non-toxic, non-corrosive, does not give off any dangerous fumes.

Bio-degrades completely and so is totally safe for the environment.