Petz Park Probiotic for Dogs

From $32.89

Petz Park Probiotic for Dogs is an extremely potent, grain-free digestive supplement. The blend of prebiotics and probiotics is designed to regulate gut health. An unbalanced microbiome creates imbalances in blood nutrient levels, an increase in stool production, and a general lowering of health and wellbeing.

An early sign of an unbalanced microbiome is excessive paw licking and scratching.


Petz Park supplements are all made in Australia, from high-quality ingredients. The formulations, created by veterinary professionals, are suitable for cats and dogs of any age, size, or breed. Understanding that each pet is unique, Petz Park supplements can be mixed and matched to suit your pet’s specific health requirements.

Petz Park Probiotic for Dogs is an extremely potent, grain-free digestive supplement. The formula is designed to regulate gut health and prevent allergies. An unbalanced microbiome creates imbalances in blood nutrient levels, an increase in stool production, and a general lowering of health and wellbeing. An early sign of an unbalanced microbiome is excessive paw licking and scratching. Probiotic for Dogs is a blend of prebiotics and probiotics that will rebalance gut bacteria and help to reduce paw licking and scratching.

Maintaining a balanced gut helps prevent yeast infections, gas, bloating, constipation, diarrhoea, indigestion and general stomach discomfort. Also, internal inflammation associated with allergies will be reduced and proper defecation will be restored. Firm, regular stools will assist the natural emptying of the anal glands.

By eliminating bad bacteria the supplement will help maintain oral health, eliminating bad breath.

Antibiotics eliminate both good and bad bacteria. Petz Park Probiotic for Dogs will help to reestablish good bacteria that have been destroyed by antibiotics.

To ensure the stability and viability of the Petz Park probiotic strains, micro-encapsulation protects the bacteria from heat, moisture and light and is designed to is able to survive stomach acid in order to become active in the small intestine.

The supplement is in powdered form, ensuring easy integration into your pet’s daily routine. Sprinkle on top of food, or mix in, if they prefer


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